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Volunteer Opportunities for Students- From the Channahon Park District

Posted On: January 23, 2017 - 3:30pm
Posted By: moboyle

The Channahon Park District is looking for volunteers for events for the remaining of the winter and for the spring.  Two events are coming up soon; one is the Fairytale Ball on February 9th from 4:30PM-9:30/10:00PM and the other is Frosty 5 mile race on February 12th from 12:00PM-2:30PM.

Listed below is a list of volunteer events that are open to students. 



  • February 9 from 5:30-9 pm, Fairytale Ball on Thursday, (Help monitor different activity stations at event)
  • February 12 from 12 -2:30pm, Frosty 5 Mile: 5 -8 for water tables and course staff
  • MARCH 9th   5-9pm, Mother – Son Date Night (the date is wrong in the book): 5-8;Volunteer Opportunities for Students- From the Channahon Park District  Volunteers to run games, crafts and to help breakdown after the event.
  • May 19th 5:00PM, Fierce Fiesta 5k, Course staff and helping pass out water.
  • During the weeks of 3/27-3/31 and 4/3-4/7 I can use volunteers to come to ACC and stuff the eggs. You can set up a time for volunteers to come to ACC and do that.
  • March 30-31st and April 3-4th after school, Flashlight Egg Hunt Prep, stuff Easter eggs
  • March 31, Time TBA. Pitch, Hit, and Run
  • Apr 7th 5:30PM – 7:30PM, Flashlight Egg Hunt, lay eggs and helping participates.
  • April 8 from 9:15-11 am, Easter Events on Saturday, (Help put out Easter eggs for the eggs hunts)
  • May 4 from 5:30-7:30 pm, Mother’s Day Tea Party on Thursday.


If you have any questions, please give a call to:


Brandon Carson, Intern

Channahon Park District

24856 W. Eames Street

Channahon, Illinois 60410

Main Line:

Direct Line:


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