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Senior Citizens Volunteer Opportunity: Friendship Village-Schaumberg

Posted On: August 16, 2018 - 11:13am
Posted By: usfeditor

In September, we will have our annual Silver Games. Our residents and seniors from the surrounding community will compete in various events to win a gold, silver or bronze medal. This is a week of fun events, but I need a lot of volunteers to make it successful. If you can help on any of the days, please let me know.


We need volunteers Monday, Sept. 10th, Tuesday, September 11th and Friday, Sept. 14th.The times and number of volunteers needed at each time slot is noted on the grids. The events are also listed on the grids so the volunteers can choose which event they would like to volunteer for. All of these events on these days are at Friendship Village. Please look at the attachment for details. Volunteers can choose to volunteer the entire day if possible. I do not need volunteers for Wednesday and Thursday.


I especially need volunteers who play Pinochle, Texas Hold’em or Bridge,  as these are often the most difficult positions to fill!

I can also use several people who enjoys fishing to measure the fish and help release them. The Fishing Derby is from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM on Friday, September 14th.


If you have questions, call me. I hope you can volunteer on one or more of these days! Thank you for supporting our event!




Jeannette Magdaleno

Manager of Life Long Learning and Volunteer Services

Friendship Village of Schaumburg | A Friendship Senior Options Community


| Phone: (847) 884-5539 |


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