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RT jobs: Fulton State Hospital

Posted On: April 20, 2021 - 1:47pm
Posted By: usfeditor

Fulton State Hospital, located in Fulton Missouri, is a Forensic mental health hospital serving a wide range of clients and diagnosis. Certification is not required, however is recommended. There are two positions attached, one is in the CRAFT program and one is in the SORTS program. 


Please direct students to contact myself, Kimberly Rosenfelder, RT Supervisor  or Karin Pestle, Director of Rehabilitation Services, if interested.


Also, please reach out if you are receiving this e-mail in error or if I should have a different contact for future e-mailings.


Thanks, Kim


Kimberly Rosenfelder, RT-III

Team Leader - SLP I

Social Learning Program

Nixon Forensic Center

Fulton State Hospital


