I am currently hiring for our FLASH Before & Afterschool Program at the Oak Lawn Park District for the 2019-2020 school year. I was hoping that you would be able to send this email out to your students. This is a great opportunity for your students to start getting some experience in the field. Below is a link to our website with the complete job descriptions along with an application. If you have any students that are interested they can email me directly at nyost@olparks.com.
Job Descriptions: https://www.olparks.com/board-staff/board-staff/job-openings
Application: https://www.olparks.com/images/staff/Docs/newhire/2015_Job_Application.pdf
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Have a great day!
Thank You,
Nicole Yost, CPRP
Recreation Supervisor &
FLASH Program Coordinator
Oak Lawn Park District