Graduate Research Assistant Positions
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Parks and Environmental Behavior Research Group
National parks and protected areas generate considerable economic benefits and play important roles in maintaining ecological integrity and human wellbeing on a global scale. Protected areas also attract and maintain public support due to their perceived values that serve as motivators for owning, managing, and conserving natural resources. Although critically important for the future of conservation, these values are often underrepresented in research and practice, as well as less easily quantified and measured across spatial scales.How can environmental social science researchers and practitioners better incorporate the diverse values of places into environmental planning and management decisions, particularly when interfacing with stakeholders who report variable psychological orientations?
To help answer this question, two graduate research assistantships have become available to support a prospectivePh.D. and/or M.S. student interested in the human dimensions of natural resources. The students will become part of an interdisciplinary team that cares about solving environmental social science problems in natural resource management contexts, particularly parks and protected areas in Alaska. Although there will be opportunities for contributing to multiple projects (see, the students will be primarily responsible for conducting research focused on the multiple values of places and other factors that influence environmental behavior. Preference will be given to students with: 1) passion and an open mind for learning about research; and 2) background or interests in the social sciences and quantitative methods.
The successful applicants will be primarily housed in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences ( at the University of Illinois, and encouraged to embrace interdisciplinary thinking that spans multiple programs across campus, particularly the Parks and Environmental Behavior Research Group ( These are multiple year research assistantships beginning in Fall 2016. Students will receive 11 months of financial support on an annual basis, including a tuition waiver, health insurance, and competitive stipend.
To apply, please send a current CV and statement of interest to Dr. Carena van Riper at or call (217) 244-9317. For full consideration, please apply by January 1st. However, applications will be reviewed until the two positions are filled.