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DuBois Center Summer Camp Staff Recruiting

Posted On: February 19, 2015 - 10:19am
Posted By: moboyle

DuBois Center is the camp and retreat center for the United Church of Christ in Southern Illinois. You may find our website at , our Facebook page at , and our new Twitter page at

We are currently recruiting for summer staff and are contacting you because the American Camping Association has identified the University of St. Francis’ Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management as one to target for recruiting.

Attached you will find a letter similar to what you received in the mail, but addressed to your students. Would you please consider posting this letter to your BlackBoard site, or site similar to that? If you have a Twitter account your students follow, would you please consider posting these tweets for them to check out DuBois Center? Please just copy and paste the text into a tweet and send it out!


Spend your summer as a positive Christian role model and for hundreds of kids!

Thank you for your consideration!

David Irick

Ministry Intern
DuBois Center

