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Conference- Register by Oct. 11th!

Posted On: September 30, 2013 - 1:13pm
Posted By: katrina

The Therapeutic Recreation Student Association at Grand Valley State University (GVSU) is proud to announce a one day regional conference designed specifically for TR/RT students!  You may remember that last April a survey was distributed to all of the TR/RT programs within a 5 hour drive of GVSU.  Based on the results of that survey, the Therapeutic Recreation Student Association has put together a one day conference which will be held on Friday, October 18th

 This conference is being offered at no cost to the students….although there is a $10 registration deposit which will be returned to attendees at the conclusion of the conference.  For those attending from farther away, lodging information has been included on the registration form.  Please feel free to contact Teresa Beck () with any questions.


See the attached registration form for more details.  Registrations need to be received by October 11th.

