Posted On: February 2, 2018 - 3:47pm
CareerFest February 16th- $10 fee and pre-registration highly recommended. It is off campus at Moraine Valley Community College. There are over 70 companies recruiting for internships and full-time positions. Students will receive an email with how to prepare for the event, directions and how to see the list of employers.
Career & Internship Fair- February 28th- FREE to attend and pre-registration is recommended. ON CAMPUS. Over 35 companies signed up already. Positions will include full-time, part-time and internships. Sign up takes one minute. The Career Success Center will make you a name badge and will invite you to a pre-recruiting event if you pre-register.
Save the date--March 23- ACI Career Fair- At North Central College in Naperville, IL . More info will come in March.
I have attached a word doc that you can print or post in canvas. Thank you for helping us spread the word.
Maribeth Hearn
Director: Career Success Center
Director: Career Success Center
Please see attached form for more information.