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Annual Recruitment Day for Prospective PhD Students

Posted On: September 16, 2013 - 2:05pm
Posted By: katrina

The Department of Recreation, Sport and Tourism at the University of Illinois is hosting its third annual recruitment day for prospective PhD students on Friday, November 1, 2013. The purpose of this day is to invite students who are interested in learning more about our PhD program, and provide an orientation of PhD study at the University of Illinois. A full day session is planned for Friday, November 1st which includes panel sessions with current and former doctoral students, lab tours and meetings with individual faculty. 

Some funding is available to assist with travel expenses for prospective PhD students. To qualify for funding, students are to submit an application form (see attached) and include a vitae or resume, as well as a statement addressing their interest in our program (e.g., faculty research, course offerings, laboratory research opportunities, and/or their own research interests). Email registration, vitae or resume, and personal statement to . All completed applications will be reviewed upon receipt. Last day for submission: Oct 15, 2013.


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