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Alaskan Opportunity

Posted On: October 30, 2017 - 11:53am
Posted By: jjandeska
Unalaska is seeking a highly motivated, community minded individual with some experience in special event planning, graphic design, and marketing to fill a position as our Special Events and Community Relations Coordinator.   The job posing is attached and here is a link to the posting on the city’s web page: 
If you know of any soon to be graduating students or other professionals who fit the description above we would love to have them directed our way.
Unalaska provides a unique opportunity for someone to live and work in a unique, remote, and beautiful environment that still is able to boast great facilities and a healthy operating budget.  In Unalaska, parks and recreation is part of the heart and soul of our community. 
Thank you for your consideration,
Albert H. Burnham, CPRP
Recreation Manager
City of Unalaska Department of Parks, Culture, and Recreation
Office # 907-581-1297
Work Cell # 907-359-1994
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There are at least 12,000 publically funded state and local parks &
recreation agencies in the United States, we strive to be one of the best!


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