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2014 Supervisor Symposium Open

Posted On: April 21, 2014 - 1:13pm
Posted By: ryanreitmeier

This educational event is geared for the new professional in Parks and Recreation.  This will give your students the opportunity to learn what will be expected of them when they first step into the job.  Speaking from past experience, I found it very helpful and felt it gave me an edge on other applicants applying for the same job.


Students will learn, ask questions and more importantly network with other professionals in the field.  If students are looking for internships or full time jobs this low cost symposium is a great opportunity.  Attached is some more information regards the Supervisor Symposium.  Feel free to contact me with any further question and I hope to see your students at this event.  Thank you for your time and have a good rest of the day.

Stephen Golembiewski, CPRP

Assistant Superintendent of Recreation

Westmont Park District

(630) 963-5252 ext 218

Please note the email change and update your address book.  Thank you!

